Volkswagen ID.3 tips

Good afternoon and greetings from Cologne, where I have been living for over 15 years. In the fall of 2020, I purchased a Volkswagen ID.3 electric hatchback. This is my second electric car. Previously owned a Nissan Leaf. I planned to buy a Tesla Model 3 after him, but changed my mind when I found out that VW would produce ID. The order was left in the spring, but there were problems with the pandemic and quarantine, and then VW delayed the release of the ID.3. So my car got to me in November. I know that this is not for sale in your country, and maybe it will not be at all in the near future. Therefore, I decided to write a review, perhaps someone will be interested. I won’t particularly describe the appearance of the ID.3, it’s not for everyone, and Volkswagen, you know, is not a model in terms of design art. It’s still das auto and I think it’s strange to expect some kind of art from it. However, I like his looks. The ID is comparable in size to the Golf, but there is much more space inside. The platform allowed the wheels to be spaced in the corners, so the wheelbase is almost the same as the Passat. Plenty of room in front and behind. But I would note the unusually high floor due to the battery located at the bottom. If you transfer here from the same Golf, you can feel it. Devices are almost all electronic, there are almost no ordinary buttons left. The dashboard in front of the steering wheel is digital. It is small but well read. The media screen is slightly turned towards the driver, which is convenient. What is unusual: the touch keys of the windows. The driver can also control the rear windows, but for this you need to switch the mode of the same buttons to the rear, and at first
you get confused. The chairs are comfortable, the finishes are good for the money. There is also enough hard plastic, but it is somehow cleverly hidden, it does not catch the eye. That is, the salon is not cheap. I once drove a 2014 Tesla Model S Performance, the car is good, but the interior clearly does not look like the 100 thousand dollars that were then asked for. What I don’t really like about the VW is that there are a lot of glossy surfaces, they are quickly covered with fingerprints. The trunk under the shelf is small, it is inconvenient to load something heavy, since the threshold is quite high. I took one of the expensive kits. This is 204 horsepower and a battery for 550 kilometers (according to the passport). Rear drive. Taking into account the subsidy of 9 thousand euros, the final price came out a little more than 40 thousand euros. We have no problems with charging stations. In principle, I rarely look at charging stations, I have enough to move around the city that I charge overnight at home. But I plan to travel long distances around Europe, so I did not stint on such a capacious battery. The car accelerates well, although it does not surprise with dynamics against the background of modern electric cars. About 8 seconds from zero to hundreds. It is sad that my maximum is limited to 160 kilometers per hour, this is not enough for autobahns. The car is quiet while driving. It handles like a regular VW, you just need to remember about rear-wheel drive. The suspension is elastic, excellent for German roads, I drive on 19-inch wheels. Only on paving stones is harsh. The real power reserve in winter in the city was 300-350 kilometers, on the highway in an economical
mode did up to 450 when I once drove to Hannover (this is the farthest trip so far). I never regret buying this car. In European conditions, owning it does not bring problems, and the fuel savings are solid. Now ID.3 is a hit here.

25.02.2021 Good afternoon and greetings from Cologne, where I have been living for over 15 years. In the fall of 2020, I purchased a Volkswagen ID.3 electric hatchback. This is my second electric car. Rane.