Since getting sober, I’ve learned to love myself, forgive myself, and live as the person I was created to be. A life like this takes a lot of work for someone like me. A special part of the Valley Hope experience involves the coffee cup. The “cups” process at Valley Hope uniquely inspires and reflects the recovery journey of our Alumni. At the end of the treatment experience, each patient creates their own cup design that symbolizes their recovery. Before they leave Valley Hope, patients share their cups and the inspiration behind the design to fellow patients, family and friends. The cups are hung along the walls of Valley Hope lecture halls and alumni return after one year of sobriety to claim their cups and share their recovery success stories with patients.

sober success stories

While I was in my active addiction, I missed so many things with my family. Not loving my wife and children and loving the bottle instead really damaged my relationships and my health.

Comedian and spiritual enthusiast Russell Brand is also celebrating 16 years of sobriety. Brand has since become an advocate among celebrities for addiction recovery, and openly admits that the root of his struggles were due to an internal emptiness that he tried to fill with drugs. He started using at the age of 19 and was a heroin addict for four years around that time. The path to recovery can be long and difficult for young people and their families.

In 2013, my boyfriend, myself and my son could no longer afford our apartment so we moved in with his mom. She made it clear that we needed to stop drinking.

Testimonials From Young People About Our Addiction Treatment Program

The remarkably addictive nature of the drug makes detoxing and staying clean challenging. After 6 months of sobriety, Becki attended Narcotics Anonymous. At the meeting, she met many others in her situation, and she saw how they were enjoying being substance-free. She says something happened to her at that point, and her mindset shifted.

  • The recovery community is full of people who use or have used Soberlink and are blazing a new trail in sobriety.
  • I left my two friends behind and made no new ones.
  • Believe me, I tried to blame everyone and everything I knew for my drinking; the death of my child, the ex-husbands, etc.
  • “It doesn’t matter what walk of life — addiction and alcoholism don’t discriminate,” she said at the Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit in 2017.

Because people don’t realize how hard it can be, but it can be done. When you get sober, the world is clearer, the colors are brighter and you begin to appreciate everything and everyone around you. The world is new again, but a much better place. You feel comfortable in your own skin again. We are a health and human services organization providing treatment and prevention services to all those directly or indirectly affected by drug or alcohol use. I stopped eating and finally ended up in the ER a couple of times before they diagnosed the liver failure and the rest.

I had plenty of warning signs, only to ignore them. To say, “Thank you” to Valley Hope is quite an understatement. You gave me my life back, you helped re-introduce me to a loving God whom I serve today. I am forever grateful for being dropped in the middle of Kansas wheat fields, where I was given the foundation which has led to a lifetime of ups, downs and too many blessings to even count. By shining a light on how recovery has impacted their lives, Valley Hope Alumni are helping people, families and communities find healing.

Drew Barrymore Living A Sober Life

I stole money to buy alcohol, I used all the change I could find, and I always made sure that I had more alcohol hidden somewhere. I found myself trying to hide from anyone and everyone.

  • “As long as there’s beer in the house, she’ll keep going.” Penny-Lee’s alcoholism caused intense distress to her family as they watched her self-destruct.
  • As I write this, I have been given the opportunity to be a part of a facility that gave me hope.
  • Alcohol easily and quickly replaced the marijuana as I began residency.
  • He’d been arrested six times for DUI and driven drunk with their daughter Lyric in the car.
  • “I started to realize how much pain I had been causing people who loved me,” Adam shared during his follow-up video.
  • The District Recovery Community and Renaissance Recovery will remain in operation during this time and continue to serve our mission of treating those suffering from alcoholism and addiction.

I have become a better and more compassionate physician than I ever was before. Mary Karr is known for her wit and charming style, and in these pages, she discusses pretty much all her life struggles, sober success stories not only those with alcohol. This memoir is poetic and a treat for lovers of beautiful writing. That bottle of merlot was all Kerry Cohen could think about as she got through her day.

For Physician Health, ‘reaching Out Is A Good Thing It All Comes Back To Connection And Community’

I know that I can get through anything with the support of my higher power and my sober comrades. Everyday, we have choices that we ourselves are responsible for. Everyday, I chose to embrace my sobriety with pride.

sober success stories

I would think all the time that the best thing for me to do would be to disappear. I felt I would be doing everyone a favor – my family, my parents, my wife, and my children. They didn’t sign up to have their husband and Dad be a drug addict, someone who lost their whole moral compass. That is why Don T is a role model for anyone in recovery. He managed to stay meth-free thanks to 12-step recovery meetings with other people who are addicted to more than one substance. He attributes his success to the power of these meetings. Having lost her home and children, Becki was living on the streets with winter rapidly approaching.

Katies Story

Though I wasn’t drinking or using, I became restless, and sort of a dry drunk. May 4th, 2019, leaving a Racetrack, I was involved in an accident that was completely my fault. My Attorney told me the story of his Nanny going into Valley Hope years ago and has been clean for 8 yrs. When he mentioned entering inpatient for 30 days, I said I can’t do that, my business will be lost. My Attorney/Friend point blank told me that I was sick and needed help.

And I think that’s what putting something out in the media does. It puts it into the public eye and passes a value judgment on it and says this is good or this is not good.

sober success stories

Sobriety means as much as Jesus does to me. I had been in recovery before attending Valley Hope; it was a surprise just how much I re-learned at Valley Hope. The biggest surprise was that I’m not always going to be judged by a slip or relapse. Although I’ve made mistakes in the past, I am able to share that experience and strength with others. People can attest to the miracles that places like Valley Hope have to offer. I support others in recovery by showing up to meetings, being a sponsor, and taking on roles in AA. I show up for other addicts who need help!

Besides the obvious health improvements, my emotional, mental and spiritual well-being have continued to progress and improve on a daily basis. My relationships with my family are at a good place and I feel really good about myself as a person. It’s good to treat all sources of pain and anything that might have caused you to drink excessively. Finding a higher power was important for me; Valley Hope has great resources for this, including counselors and chaplains. Praying and pondering my addiction was helpful. If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got. The best treatment plan is trying every resource Valley Hope offers.

Im Black And Im Sober: The Timeless Story Of A Womans Journey Back To Sanity By Chaney Allen

Brandon is also a New York Times bestselling author of the book Dreamseller, an autobiography detailing his addiction and transition into recovery. Out of all celebrities out there, no one has been more open on social media and media outlets about her struggles than Demi Lovato. The singer and actress have always shared her struggles with depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and addiction. Her many ups and downs are proof that even celebrities battle with addiction and relapse. However, she’s a prime example of how perseverance can help you get healthy. Sometimes not even celebrities recognize their struggles.

I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I remember loving the way it made me feel. It changed the way I felt in a way I had never experienced in my life. Alcohol wasn’t really a part of my story until senior year of high school when I started drinking with my friends on the weekends.

  • We did our parenting classes, relapse prevention classes, life skills.
  • However, per the episode summary, Adam’s life began to spiral after turning to heroin to numb the pain of a break-up.
  • Although the details of our addiction and recovery stories may be different, the core of our experiences is often the same.
  • That’s why it’s imperative I share my message.

You’ll find honest content about the sobriety journey, as well as discussions of food, music, and wellness practices such as yoga and meditation. Shari does not shy away from difficult topics. You’ll find posts about what to do when you relapse, why you need to distance yourself from certain people in your life, and why every day can’t be a good day. In addition to the right medical and professional care and local support groups, online resources can play an important role, too.

I think it’s important to be proud of being sober and to share your story. Just like I talk about anything else going on in my life, this is a part of me. There are a lot of things I love in this world and sobriety is one of them, so I like to talk about that very openly.

The Best Alcohol Recovery Blogs Of 2020

I was really scared that I was going to die. I don’t know, I just kept praying for him to send somebody to save me, send me an angel. I remember getting out of the shower and walking out to my bedroom to get my clothes on the bed. Much to my surprise, there was a realtor and a young couple standing there as I’m completely naked. Two days later, I enrolled in a treatment facility which ultimately saved my life. “I am a twenty-two year old recovering alcoholic.

I realized I had to work through everything instead of bottling everything up and try to drink them away. Being a recovering alcoholic means everything to me because cause if I continued to go down the path I was on I wouldn’t be here to share my story. It’s not been easy, but I keep reminding myself of the path that I was taking and don’t want to go there again. It’s been an amazing journey and I can’t wait to see what comes my way.

On the day I was fired I showed up wasted and when they told me to go, I stole a bottle of vodka on my way out. Alcohol had turned me into a thief and a liar. When I did stop drinking, I would go through terrible alcohol withdrawal. I was angry, irritable, and anxious and that led me back to drinking. The hardest part of 2012 was when a good friend of mine passed away at the age of 26 from heart failure. I went to his grandmother’s house afterward and hugged his mom as everyone cried around me. Both of my parents worked, but we still had money problems due to my dad’s drug and alcohol abuse.

I think it’s important for people to know that just because I’m sober doesn’t mean I’m dead. I go out dancing, I’m 100% me, I can literally do everything I did before except I just don’t drink. In sobriety I’ve been around all this stuff and I think that’s one of the things people cast a stigma on. By this time, I could not go for more than a couple of hours without feeling withdrawal symptoms including hot flashes, sweats, palpitations, and the shakes. I would awaken during the night in withdrawal needing to take some alcohol to be able to get back to sleep.

My True Story Of Alcoholism, Addiction And The Choice To Live

For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the helpline is a private and convenient solutions. I was leaving behind a lifestyle that was filled with pain and enormous tragedy and suffering. All have battled substance abuse and doing well in their recovery. This is a blog about sobriety designed for women of color who are sober or looking toward sobriety. It is written by Shari Hampton, a Black woman who makes it clear that while the blog is not exclusively for Blacks, it is definitely inclusive of Blacks.